Wednesday, January 02, 2008




Blogger Unknown said...

The Nano has been creating a lot of ripples and mixed reactions. However, the overall response is very positive and this is a true example of constrained innovation. Ratan Tata is supposed to have come up with this idea when he saw an Indian family of 4, travelling on a scooter.
This in turn is expected to spurn a whole bunch of innovations in the accessory market. Check out his article in ET today :

It would be tricky to compare this directly with the Apple iPhone, since they are both innovations in totally different areas and the Tata Nano is expected to touch an entirely different section of the society. To me the iPod is a greater hit than the iPhone. iPhone just followed the basic idea behind the iPod with added features of a mobile phone, but there are some basic mobile phone features that have been missed out over here. Its a great device if ur interested on information on the go.. but doesn't really rate too well on the mobile and texting features.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 at 5:34:00 AM CST  

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